Logo Barlach Reloaded

BARLACH RELOADED is a project of Ernst Barlach Society Hamburg. It was made possible by the funding and support of:

  • Logo EU
  • Logo Kulturstiftung
  • Logo SH
  • Logo Leader
  • Logo Lauenburg
  • Logo Aktivregion
  • Logo Ratzeburg
  • Logo Dräger
  • Logo GLS
  • Logo Förderverein
  • Logo Sparkasse
  • Logo Bürgerstiftung Ratzeburg
  • Logo Raiffeisenbank
  • Logo gemeinnützige Treuhandstelle
  • Logo VR4 Content

    Concept interactive media & technical implementation

We like to thank all sponsors, partners, friends, employees, craftsmen and all those who supported us spending their time and energy for this project!

Furthermore we like to thank the Wedel University of Applied Sciences, the Kiel University of Applied Sciences and the Muthesius Transferpark Kiel for their advice.